5. Harmful consequences: enabling conditions

I am not arguing that ubiquitous pornographic images cause men to commit sexual violence against women. Most men who look at pornographic material do not feel obliged to abuse, degrade, rape, insult, humiliate, and hurt women.

Sexual violence by men against women is, however, linked to pornography. All pornography feeds sexism and the culture of rape by suggesting that all women are willing, even eager, to have sex with men, under all circumstances, even in completely non-sexual/non-dating/non-relationship circumstances.

Given pornography's pervasiveness, which goes unchallenged, it normalizes - makes "natural" -- men's desire to hurt, intimidate, humiliate, push and subordinate women. Therefore, as the sociologist Michael Schwalbe notes, pornography "helps create the conditions that enable and promote sexual violence [of men to women]." (See The Sociologically Examined Life, pgs.120-122).
