While searching for another definition of pornography, I came across a book edited by the feminist writer Diana Russell, Making Violence Sexy. She writes:

  I define pornography as material that combines sex and/or the
  exposure of genitals with abuse or degradation in a manner that
  appears to endorse, condone, or encourage such behavior.
  Pg. 2-3

Heterosexual pornography, then, is men's writing, photographs, movies, etc., in which women's violence, exploitation, humiliation and misery are graphically shown through sex and the genitalia. These materials make such images of violence, exploitation, humiliation and misery of women by men appear natural - how things are, or how they should be- thus making allowances for men's violent, exploitative, and humiliating behavior against women.

What makes these materials pornographic is not the sexual undertones or the sexually charged images of women. These materials are pornographic because they are inundated with sexist, racist and homophobic ideologies that sanction and support harmful sex.
